Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Add Social Bookmarking Button[SocioFluid]

buzz this

You want to add social bookmarking buttons in your blog you always want to add a nice, good looking buttons. SocioFluid is one of the most popular social bookmarking widget generator. Its easy to install and you can change buttons icon size too.
To add SocioFluid Bookmarking widget below posts:
Step 1 :
  • If you are not like it you can customize it, you can add or remove icons and change size of icon.
  • If you are not like it you can customize it, you can add or remove icons and change size of icon.
  • scroll down at the end of the page and press generate widget button:
  • If you want to add the widget below each blog posts click on 'Copy to Clipboard' to copy the code. But if you want to add the widget other place like sidebar, footer etc you can use 'Add to Blogger' or 'Copy to Clipboard'.
Step 2 :
  • Go to Layout--->Edit HTML---->Click on Expand widget templates.
  • Now paste your widget code after the line .
  • Click on "Save Templates" and you are done.

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