Friday, March 5, 2010

11 Easy And Useful Tips To Make Twitter Followers

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Want More Twitter Followers? Here's How to Get Them

If you're on Twitter you know what a powerful marketing tool it can be. But the key to success is finding and keeping followers. Here are 11 steps you can take to get more Twitter followers.

1. Start by creating a great bio. You only have 160 characters to do this, unlike the 140 limit in tweets, so think carefully about how you will write your bio. Make sure it includes your website address.

2. If you're a Twitter newbie, it's best to post about 10 interesting tweets before you look for followers. You must get people interested in following you first.

3. Links to interesting websites, articles and videos make great tweets. Because the URLs will be too long for Twitter, you'll need to create a short version. You can do this at Copy the long link and paste it into the appropriate window there and it will generate a short link that is suitable for Twitter.

4. Humorous and inspiring quotes make great tweets and are among the most popular. Lots of sites post great quotes for you to use. Find them with a Google search.

5. Tweet links to interesting videos from YouTube and other such sites. 

6. Make sure you re-tweet other people's tweets. Many of them will do the same for you, which exposes you to their followers, some of whom may decide to follow you.

7. Join the conversation. Reply to other people's tweets, give them a compliment or thank them for sharing. These people may also decide to send you @ messages, which will also make their followers aware of you.

8. Thank people who re-tweet you. Just hit the reply button and send a thank-you note. If you don't thank them, at least some of the time, they will probably stop re-tweeting you and stop following you.

9. Become active on Follow Friday. Each Friday, recommend some of your favorite tweeters to your followers by typing in #FollowFriday or #FF and then their Twitter handle, such as @JaneSmith. Others will do the same for you. This is a great way to get more Twitter Followers.

10. Read Twitters' rules of service so you understand the rules about following and un-following people. Break these rules and you could get suspended.

11. Don't be over-aggressive with marketing. It turns people off. Do one business-type tweet for every 10 or so regular tweets. - 27891

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