Sunday, March 28, 2010

Schedule Facebook Status Updates With Sendible[Simply The Best]

buzz this

In my previous post I write about facebook to Get Your Custom Facebook URL In this post I write something which you find interesting and useful also.

Start with one question...

Do you like to keep your Facebook profile active or you are addicted to facebook ?, but may be offline for a few days?  Maybe you’re taking a trip or busy in some work and won’t be anywhere near a computer for a week. 

So because of this,you couldn't update your status.
No worry man.You can accomplish your wishes by using Sendible to schedule your Facebook status updates.

Happy...!! Even I am very happy to share with you.

But for Facebook specifically, once you sign up with Sendible, just hit on Facebook and give your Facebook login details. Sendible redirect directly with your Facebook account. The, under “New Messages” click on “Status Updates“.

facebook status fun
On the next page after this you can schedule out as many updates as you’d want to! This service is fantastic  and every facebook user have to  try this once.

It just provide service to facebook user??
Then the answer is no. 
You can distribute scheduled updates to a number of social networks including MySpace, Blogger, Twitter and more.

Actually, I like facebook very much.So I always try for this stuff specially related to facebook. 

Hope you like my post.

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