Tuesday, March 9, 2010

‘Up' shines at the Oscars

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Best Animation Film Goes To: Up
                  Animation movie ‘Up’ has shined at the 82nd Annual Awards by winning the Best Music and the Best Animation movie in the category of Best Animation Feature Film.

>> The movie defeated some of the best animation feature films produced over the last year, which includes ‘Coraline,’ ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox,’ ‘The Princess And The Frog,’ and ‘The Secret of Kells.’

>> ‘Up’ has also won the award for the Best Music Score, beating movies like ‘Avatar,’ ‘The Hurt Locker,’ ‘Famous Mr. Fox,’ and ‘Sherlock Holmes.’

>> "Up" movie was also nominated for the Best Picture this year.

Whats is your opinion about the movie.??
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