Friday, March 12, 2010

How to Set Start Time In A YouTube Video

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How to Set start time in a YouTube Video

           Suppose you are watching an interesting 10 min video on YouTube and you would like to share it with a friend. An important part in the video starts at 5th minute and 33rd second. 
It was not start the video at a specified time. The user had to wait till the 5th minute and 33rd second then watch the video. But now with a small change in the URL will do the trick.

Example:- you can change it to

and that will start the video at  5min 33 sec. This is a very small tweak but very very useful.

Let’s examine closely what extra # we typed does,

t= time, m=minutes, s=seconds. So if I type #t=5m33s it means 5th minute and 33rd second; the video will start exactly at the time specified.
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