Sunday, February 28, 2010

Track Your User With Google Analytics

buzz this

Track your Blogger statistics with Google Analytics

How to set it up:-

  1. Go to Google Analytics to sign up or log in.
  2. When logged in, choose to create a new account (click on the menu next to “My Analytics Accounts” at the top right of the page and choose “Create a new account”) and follow the steps. When you get to “Tracking Code“, open up a new window and log in to your Blogger account.
  3. Go to your blog’s settings and choose “Layout” and then “Page Elements“
  4. Have a look at the footer (it has to be the footer!) of the design and choose to “Add a Gadget“.
  5. Find the “HTML/JavaScript” element click on it.
  6. Now a new page appears called “Configure HTML/JavaScript”. Don’t write anything in the title column. Copy and paste the code from Google Analytics (only copy and past the “New Tracking Code”) in the content box and “Save“.
  7. Now your page element has been added. Click on “Save” on the “Page Elements Page” as well.
  8. Then continue the steps on Google Analytics and you’re done!

To check your Blogger statistics, you just have to click on your account on the first page of Google Analytics. If it says “Tracking Unknown” in the status column, even after 24h (you have to wait a day until it starts tracking)

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