How To Name Your Blog ???
When starting a new blog, it’s vital that you choose a Good name. Take some time to consider the following tips before selecting a name and you will greatly improve the success of your blog.
1. Choose a blog name that can also be used as the domain name. Is this necessary. No, but it will greatly improve the marketing success of your blog. Michael at Remarkablogger is one of the few popular bloggers that has ignored this tip, but most top blogs follow this convention.
2. Choose a name that is memorable. Don’t try to get too fancy, but choose a name that will be remembered by your readers. Consider your audience when selecting a memorable name.
3. Find a name that clearly describes your blogging topic.This tip is very important and adds several benefits such as improving search engine results. The name should help readers quickly understand what your blog is about. My favorite example…Blogging Startup, of course.
4. Made-up names are okay, but keep them very short and easy to spell. Two of the top blogs, Engadget and Gizmodo are excellent examples of this tip.
5. Keep the name to as few words as possible, and almost never more than three. This tip is really part of keeping the name memorable. The more words in the name, the more likely the reader is to forget part of the name or confuse a word or two.
6. If the name is also your domain, be sure it is easy to spell. You may be tempted to use unique spelling variations, but your creativity may cause users to forget how to find your blog. Short and simple is best.
7. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce. Tongue twisters are fun, but not when you’re trying to tell a friend about that great blog you read each week. So find a name that rolls off the tongue, not one that ties it in a knot.
8. Consider using a name that is easily converted into a logo. Of course, the more creative the logo designer, the less important this is. But a strong visual name is easily remembered and lends itself to becoming a great logo.
9. Look at the blog names in Technorati’s top 100 to see some naming conventions. You will see that most follow all or most of these quick tips.
10. If you have a short name you want to use, but the domain is taken, consider adding a simple prefix or suffix. For example, if you like Bass Fisher, but the domain is taken…try Big Bass Fisher or Bass Fisher King (both available in .com at this moment).
BONUS TIP: Test the name on friends. Ask at least five different people what they think of the two or three names choices you are considering. But remember, you have the final vote because, hey, you have to live with the name.
So, there you have 10 quick tips for naming your blog. Take the time to find the right name and you will jump start your success. Don’t get stuck with a weak name because you rushed the decision.