Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 Easy steps to Disable right click for Blog

buzz this

How to disable right click on blogger(blogspot) or any other webpage using a html(javascript) code.?

It is so annoying if someone copies(thefts) your blog posts,articles,images and another kind of information owned by you saying that they are the original owners of the content.

1. Copy the code from here.

2. Where to paste it in blogger ?
Sign in to your blogger go to

Dashboad>Layout>Add a Pageelement>html/javascript(look at the screenshot below)

3. And paste the below javascript code and Save the changes.

How it works?

If you right click on the webpage,a message will pop up on screen saying "function disabled".If you want to change the message to you own one like "sorry....the work is copyrighted" or something like that,replace the "funtion disabled" text with your own message in the Javascript code.

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